Monday, June 11, 2012

Sunday Lesson

This Sunday, our lesson will be TOPC - George Albert Smith #11 "Revelation From God to His Children".

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Meeting

Hello sisters!

Just a quick reminder that our Media Matters night will take place tonight at 7:00pm at the church.  Rod and Donna Gustafson will be teaching a class on "Monitoring Media" in the Relief Society room.  If you're interested in improving media safety in your home, or just need to know how to get started, you'll love their class, as they are our resident experts.

If you've got that covered and you're curious about how you can "Let Your Light Shine, Online", please join us in the Primary room for a look at how to blog, and other opportunities for good online.

p.s. If you are not the tech wizard at your home and would like to bring your husband along, feel free.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sunday Lesson

This coming Sunday, our lesson will be TOPC - George Albert Smith #10 "The Scriptures, Most Valuable Library in the World".  Please take a moment this week to prepare for class by studying the manual.  As you do so, you will gain so much more out of the lesson.  Thanks!