Mark your calendars for our Fabulous Friday
November 25, 2011
Cranston Chapel
Dinner, Guest Speaker, and Classes
See our display by the Relief Society room on Sunday.
***Last chance to sign up for classes this Sunday! ***
Chaparral Ward Relief Society
Date: Saturday, July 23
Time: 12:00 noon
Place: Chaparral Lake
Come and trade your many talents with your fellow sisters.
When: | Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 7:00 pm |
Where: | Cranston Chapel |
Listed below are some ideas for services you may wish to auction:
§ Freezer Meals
§ Exercise Buddy
§ Babysitting
§ Something handmade (knitting, baked goods, cards, etc.)
§ Ride to the temple
§ Hair cut
§ Teach someone a new skill
You may add your unique talents to the list. Come prepared with a list of as many services as you like. The number of services you offer will also be the number of services you will walk away with.
We look forward to having you join us for what will prove to be a fun evening. Remember, you are most welcome to bring a friend along and have them participate as well.
Missionary Work
A few weeks ago I taught the lesson in Relief Society about missionary work. In that lesson I said that I was terrified of doing missionary work. I often make excuses to avoid sharing the gospel. Things like: ‘that person would never want to join the church because they already have their own religion’, ‘I don’t want them to think I’m weird because of what I’m sharing with them’, or ‘telling them about the gospel might just complicate things’. These excuses are holding me back and possibly hindering someone else from hearing the gospel.
President Heber J. Grant said “We as a people have one supreme thing to do, and that is to call upon the world to repent of sin, to come to God. And it is our duty above all others to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the restoration again to the earth of the plan of life and salvation….We have in very deed the pearl of great price. We have that which is of more value than all the wealth and the scientific information which the world possesses. We have the plan of life and salvation…. The best way in the world to show our love for our neighbour is to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which he has given us an absolute knowledge concerning its divinity.”
President Grant and many other prophets have encouraged us to share the gospel. It is a very important part of our Heavenly Father’s plan. After studying this topic by reading the scriptures and many quotes from our leaders, I think I might be able to overcome my fear. I also have gained some wonderful insights from the testimonies shared by the sisters in our ward.
I know this church is true and have felt the Holy Ghost bear witness to me that it is true. I know we have a living prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson. I love the Book of Mormon and the knowledge I gain from reading it, and the spirit it has brought into my life. I also know that Heavenly Father will send help if we are trying to share the gospel.